Kaylee Howard – Dominican Republic

GR: Tell us about your fundraising experience

KH: As I was preparing to move to the Dominican Republic, I was overwhelmed by the huge amounts of startup costs and monthly supporters that I needed. I began to realize that there were many people who were willing to help but couldn't give monthly or in large chunks. Go Rings was the perfect way to involve family and friends to give, share what I was doing with others, and encourage me through the whole process! I was amazed that countless people reached out to me, shared my post, encouraged me, and loved me well. God spoiled me with around 150 people buying over 200 rings to raise over $2,000! The money itself was such a blessing and answered prayer, but I could have never imagined the incredible conversations and love from being able to fundraise in such a unique way!

GR: Has Go Rings sparked any quality conversations for you or anyone you know?

KH: Countless! It was crazy to see people who I hadn't talked to in years want to support me.

GR: What are the biggest challenges in fundraising?

KH: To me, the hardest part of fundraising was not listening to the lies that I am a burden on others because I have to ask for support. The truth is, God has provided so much through other people, and I have loved being able to invite people into what God has planned for my life on mission.